RIP Kevin.

Kevin, my big monster was fired in a cone 6 glaze kiln a few days ago.  As I was shutting that huge metal door behind him, I felt like a mother sending her child off on the school bus for their first day of kindergarden.  I was nervous, but I knew he had to go.  Then, two days later when I opened the kiln door, I saw this.  Kevin did not survive.


As the clay shrunk, it shrunk away from its self in some areas.  When I build another piece like this I will be using Raku clay, which is much heartier than stoneware. Obviously I’m disappointed that it didn’t work, but it was a learning experience and I just have to think of it as a test run of things to come.

Thanks for looking!

My-Size Monster Update.

I posted a sketch and a small explaination of the giant ceramic creature I am currently building.  I’ve been working for two weeks and he/she/it is finally almost all the way built.  It’s been a slow process because the internal structure is a system of arches that supports the weight and curvature of the form.

I still have to add all of the details, and finish the top, but it’s getting close to the fun part! I should be ready to put the rivets and machine-parts on soon.  They will run all along the belly and bulbous back like rivets on an old fashion diving suit.

I will post more in process images soon, as well as my glaze tests for it.

